Tag Archives: Inspiration




TIP: That sense of self-importance in business –OR– life in general, will never get you a seat at the head table.

If you want to get ahead and make people want to propel you, here’s the secret.  Sometimes, you just have to get over yourself.   It’s not always about you.  That’s the mistake that breeds interpersonal relationship problems and insecurity, not to mention, it will constantly keep you looking over your shoulder for the next fabricated infraction.

TIP:   Be instrumental in helping someone excel or,help someone get back into the game.  It’s a great feeling and, a team player, whether in your own family or, in your business, IS noticed. 

Most people have many responsibilities in their life, i.e., children, parents, elderly or sick relatives; the list goes on and on.  However, as difficult as this new concept is to process,(especially in an economy when most people are working very hard just to keep their heads above water and, the heads of their family members as well), there really are people out there who have been given gratis for most of their adult lives.   This type of person continues to expect the same special treatment in the workforce while attempting to judge unkindly those less fortunate. Needless to say, that attitude does not translate well in the business world or, for the matter, any where else.

Don’t be so consumed with yourself that you forget to be a team player. Try giving some encouragement to someone not as fortunate at the moment or, someone who is also trying to get ahead.   Have some compassion, lend a helping hand, maybe lend and ear… Be a mentor. 

TIP: In business and in life, everyone is not going to understand, agree with, or even like, all of your concepts, ideas, and choices.  Why? Because they don’t have to!  That’s correct.  EVERYONE will not applaud you all of the time.

Be prepared to accept applause graciously but, conversely, be just as prepared to accept constructive criticism just as gracefully. Don’t be so quick to judge someone else’s back story.  You may think someone is making a big deal out of something you have decided is as simple as a shattered or broken glass.  You have to believe there may be reasons you don’t need to understand.  Everything is not worth the fight.  Pick and choose your words wisely from an understanding point of view and not a superior or dismissive one.

There you have it in a nutshell…… The get over yourself trick.

We are all cogs in rather large wheels (be it family, friends, or co-workers and, most times, all of the above).  Once you start believing you are the “wheel” then, that’s the time to take inventory.

If you have estranged yourself from family, friends, and co-workers, by making excuses to yourself about how unfair and mean spirited people are to you because, they don’t always agree with you or your choices…….WELL maybe, JUST maybe,  you have become your own problem.


One Single Step !


Joanne Hull | February 12, 2014

Wasn’t it Lao Tsu that said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step”?

Well, I made my first post.  In case you missed it, it’s called “Welcome to My World—Pass the Aspirin”.

I guess that was my first step.  It took almost eighteen years and a journey of many thousands of miles before I put pen to paper.

I wonder, “Does slow and steady still win the race”?

It was very interesting, if not a bit strange, how that first step came about.

One evening, I started thinking about all of the places that I’ve been and, all the dedicated Emergency Workers and First Responders that I have had the pleasure of working with.  I thought about all of the people in all of the states and all of the communities.  People that have been so devastated by Mother Nature or some other catastrophic event but still managed somehow to open up their hearts and go out of the way to make you feel so very welcome while you’re away from home.

Then, I thought about another saying, it goes something like this…..Find a job that you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life!