(Shouldn’t every month be National Preparedness Month?)

Joanne Hull|September 2014

In this day and age, do we really need a designated month to prepare?   Shouldn’t we be preparing every day ?

I remember working in a state that had several hurricanes.  They struck the state one after the other, each one more violent than the next.  One night thoroughly exhausted as usual, I arrived “home” to my hotel in time for the 11PM news.  I turned on the television trying to unwind and heard the best 60 seconds ever.  A frustrated elected official was being interviewed and he said words to the effect……  Look, we live in a state that gets hurricanes.  Is it too much to ask to have a few days of bottled water and non-perishable items until help can get to you?

Words to live by since September also happens to be the month when more hurricanes have occurred that any other month.

BE PREPARED.  HAVE A PLAN.  What would happen if you become the only person your family has to count on until help arrives?

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