Category Archives: Reflections




Sometimes,  something so special comes into your life, you never want to let it go.

Tonight, I had to do just that.   I had to let my cat go after seventeen years.

I want to thank you Roger for being one of God’s little angels.

You came into my life unexpectedly and stayed for so many years giving unconditional love.

You were always there for me.  

You curled up with me at night with a purr that even in the worst of days, made me feel everything was all right.

In the morning, you were the first one I’d hear with that distinct voice, louder than the alarm clock.

I would give anything to hear that voice again. 

There is a hole in my heart for my best friend.

Run with the angels Mr. G, sing with the birds and drink your fresh water at God’s spa.




Roger “MR. G”




SOAR AND SET NEW BENCHMARKS……..Everyone has something to share.  Each of us has a wealth of resources at our disposal to call upon to enlist and pass along to others.

You see it every day on  social media, that digital interconnection…a new frontier. That virtual environment altering the dynamics of every one of our “personal”, and not so “personal” interactions.

As Emergency Managers and leaders, we should be duty-bound  to enable our staff,  and promote opportunity for growth and development.  Platforms of knowledge and cross-training experiences create far-reaching partnerships enabling a multitude of career opportunities by motivating others.  By sharing ideas, knowledge, and talents, the formula and prerequisite for success  becomes carved in our mission statement…. a pursuit of our common goals.

A transcendent approach, one that goes above and beyond  any universal definition of your job performance requirements, is needed to succeed.  Break out of your comfort zone, that safety niche and share your thoughts, progress, and skills– become a teacher, student and mentor.

Don’t conform to a norm… rather… SOAR AND  SET NEW BENCHMARKS !

In any career choice, including Emergency Management, there will always be a series of competing perspectives. Don’t run and hide from them , rather, embrace them.  Share what you know and be openly receptive to what you don’t know.  Try looking at new concepts, with different optics.  Step back and see things from other’s perspective— a different, but very unique vantage point.  Weed out all limitations and make your primary focus  not so internally tunneled that you close the door on a new approach.   Innovation is the magic that creates successful leaders and mentors for future missions, and a standard for never ending possibilities.  Focus your efforts, foster new and exciting partnerships and share your knowledge, ideas, and experiential learning.

Don’t conform to the norm…the sky is the limit. SOAR !!



 A Eulogy To My Mother

Joanne Hull | February 25, 2014

Once upon a time there was a beautiful lady with platinum blonde hair, big green eyes, signature red nails, and a heart made of gold.


 She had the inner strength, grace and courage that most of us could only wish for.  She protected her loved ones with a loyalty as fierce as a lioness protecting her cubs.   Even in declining health, she taught them to stand tall and face any challenge that life has to offer with dignity, just as she had done throughout her life, with an uncompromising integrity that was awe inspiring.


My mother died last week.


 I watched her face death with courage and a stoic unwavering dignity that swelled me with pride.  She died on my birthday.  She hung on to be with me for my birthday.  


 I miss her already.  I will celebrate her life and carry her in my heart every day.


 To my beautiful Mother.  The fairest of them all.


 I Love You.

Joanne Hull 

Eulogy for my Mother


My Take Away !


All disasters end !

Joanne Hull | February 19, 2014

No matter how long you live in a strange state, the time comes…..You have to go home.

When I pack my bags to leave a disaster I take away something as well.   I don’t mean my nameplate on my office door, or the tons of clothes jammed in the tiny closet.   No, not the tangible things.

Think about it!   During hard times you hear more good stories than bad–community helping community, neighbor helping neighbor.

The mind has that special way of filtering out all of the painful stuff to let you focus on the good.

What I take away is something that lasts forever because it’s something you can’t pack in your bags.  I take away something you pack in your heart…lots of memories and many, many lasting friendships.

Maybe That’s The Answer !


Well, maybe that’s it !

Joanne Hull | February 19, 2014

Just maybe that old saying that ended my last post ……”Find a job that you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life, is the answer”.  

As difficult as the job can be and as heartbreaking as the devastation and destruction is that you see, when you finally call it a day, there is a sense of satisfaction that you get knowing that you’ve been able to help ( maybe in just a small way) people facing some of the most difficult times of their lives.

All of these years later, it still feels right!